Monday, August 07, 2006

Still stuck with my aloe veras

After so long after the posting of aloe vera for adoption, they are still with me. So sad, the forumers are unable to come to collect from me. Furthermore, I found that the granny aloe vera has decided to "take revenge" and now there are about 7 plantlets with her now. With so many aloe vera plantlets, I think I have no choice but to weed and throw them away. I cannot afford to have anymore pots with them since I already have 5. Sad to do this to them but I do not have any other choice.

Furthermore I would be on a week holiday and unable to find anyone to take care of them during my absence. So when I come back, just hope they are still alive or barely so I can revive them. Else at least it is one way to reduce my plants. : (


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