Make a shelf and some minor updates
I have made a small shelf to allow me to put more plants at the stairs where there is more sunlight. Just used the 2 pot stands and a wooden plank (all from Daiso). To make the wood more lasting, I have covered it with aluminium foil.
I have also transplanted the episcia plant to the chilli padi pot since it has quite a big space available and also not in use. Don't want to waste the space so plant them there, one at each side. I have also repotted the last Xue Liu (Puncia granatum) that did not get repotted during the last major works.
I have found that Daiso just introduce some pot hangers (old and new ones). I just got the 2 biggest one that I can find to see if I can use them. Both are found suitable since I have more rounded pots. I have hung the bamboo pot onto the fence of the stairs. I have kept the other one since there is no smaller pots for it. Will post some pictures when I have time.
I should be getting some fertilizer from Farm mart or at the nursery at Taman Jurong, depending on my available time and also if my sister can drive us there.
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