Since the last major works yesterday, I think it would be better that I update those plants that has been with me and some status update on them (not all).
A run through of the plants that I have:

Upstairs - After occupying the upper stairs, I have put most of my aloe vera here. Sorry for the slightly dark photo. My aloe veras here are have been growing well here without much effort at my side, except daily watering and weekly adding of ferilizer. Plants here are mostly aloe vera, a unknown plant behind the granny aloe vera and a flower plant (I think is some
episcia plant).

Downstairs - Since too many plants, had to occupy the lower stairs as well. The chilli padi plant is not growing well (most of the leaves has dropped. I suspect due to strong wind here). Another unknown plant that seems to be able to adapt to my environment. 2 more Xue Liu (Puncia granatum) plant and a plant called "Man Tian Xin" in chinese. Not sure what is the scientific name.

Corridor corner - These are some of the plants on the floor. There are still 3 more pots of plants of the 3 ft rod iron rack on the right. Got some arrow head (not sure if it is correct) that I got from Desaru, aloe vera plantlets, "man tian xin" plant and Xue Liu (Puncia granatum) plant.

These are the 2 plants that are outside my door, which I get to see them everyday. The Ju Zhi shu (Citrus sinensis) here is the only one left since it still looks ok but does not have much leaves if you ask me. If I get sick of it, I would throw it away like the other one since I would like to cut down on the plants that I cannot keep well in my environment.
Now for some detail updates on most of the plants:
- Aloe Vera
Granny aloe vera has not have much update except just got upright after my mother-in-law (MIL) helped to use some sticks to keep her upright. Now looks better now, compared to bending to one side previously due to its heavy crown.

Looks more upright now. : )

Here shows the 2 sticks that are used to support the crown of the granny aloe vera.
Mommy aloe vera also has a new home or pot to be exact. Also changed some of the soil for her. Hope she can grow bigger now. Stop having so many plantlets too.

From the experience with mommy aloe vera, it seems that if the aloe vera is unable to grow any bigger, they would start to produce plantlets. Interesting ...
Medium size aloe vera to be adopted

The above are the 2 medium size aloe vera that I have put up for adoption. They have been growing very well under my care but their growth is restricted due to pot size. They were quite small then (my first post). One of them have found a owner and the other one is still available after a forumer is unable to come to collect it. Aloe vera anyone?
The small sized aloe veras that I have been growing but not so much. Even the left aloe vera is catching with the right one. Have not put these up for adoption since they don't look nice enough. What do you think?

Then the last one are my aloe vera plantlets. I think a forumer has booked them already. Hope they can grow well in their new homes. : )

- Guan Yin Zhu

With the recommendation from my MIL, have selectively chose these to be repotted and hope they can grow better now. The rest had to be thrown away.
- Chilli padi plant

As I have mentioned, the first harvest was done some time back. The leftovers are ready for harvest now. After I removed 3 of the chilli padi plants and donated 1 to my sister, these 2 looks better. However, since they have dropped most of their leaves, there is a new plant growing at the bottom of the one on the left. Looks like there is hope for the chilli padis even though I still have not tasted any right now.
- Xue Liu (Puncia granatum)

These 2 are now at the lower stairs. The one on the right is not growing well too. The one of the left just got a new pot. However, found some red ant crawling there. May want to get rid of the pests in case they cause any damage to the plants.

This one is at the end of the corridor. Also just changed the soil for this plants (2 in there). Hope it can grow bigger now, like those that are on sale.
- Money plant

The plant that has the most changes under my care is the money plant. Now left these. But I'm not worried since once they root, they can grow back to its former glory. : )
episcia plant (for now)

The soil for this plant is not balance. Just top up the balance during the major works. The leaves now are hard and shiny, not like the time when I first got it (soft and hairy feel). Likely it is the change of environment but is growing well.
- unknown plant

After some failed attempts and successful ones, this plant is able to adapt to my environment now. My MIL had transferred them to this pot and spread the plant over the pot. If the plant is able to cover the whole plant, it would look very nice, like the one my MIL has. But that would take time and depending on which are the ones that will survive.
- Man Tian Xing

After given to me by my neighbour, it does not look too good most of the time. After some triming and also care, new leaves have grown from it. Looks a little better now but still not fully recovered yet. I was suspecting it did got receive enough sunlight so change its location from the corridor to the lower stairs.

This one is reserved by my MIL since she does not have this plant. Ok, it does not look so good right now but it had better days. I also don't know why. Will help my MIL take care of it for now.
- Arrow heads ???

My MIL helped me to plant them into the pot. Now waiting for them to root. They were given to me during my trip to Desaru. : )
After such a long update, I think I can rest for a while... : P Til the next update.
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