Bad news goes on and on but also some good ones
Here is the latest picture of the newest addition that I have.

Thanks to Boon Kiat (from, he has identifed the flower plant that Ngee Hwee gave me is Episcia cupreata. He mentioned that my potting soil is too wet. Will control the amount of watering for this plant as well, until I can change the soil (just bought some burnt soil). No wonder this plant under the sun seems to be a little better than it was previously, the soil is too wet.

In my initial post, I have left out this plant (actually in 2 pots). Not sure what it is but heard from neighbour that it got some medical use. Below is the pot that I have been keeping for a while.

Below is the same type of plant that my neighbour left behind and gave to me. It was not looking too good when it was given to me. Hope that I can heal it back to health again.

My Puncia granatum are growing well now. It seems that they have grown taller. That is good for me, as you can see from the picture below.

Also good new for me is that I am having chilli padi growing from my chilli plants now. : ) Most of them have flowers or chilli padi now, except a small chilli padi plant. Was wondering should I remove it? Also it seems that the leaves of the chilli padi plants are dropping off more often. Either is due to the strong wind due to rain or they are losing it. Will monitor them for a while. A picture to show you how they look like now.

Thanks to Boon Kiat, he has identified my Ju Zhi Shu as Citrus sinensis. They are growing well, except that there are some form of pests growing on them. Shape look like cockroach with 2 black spots at the back and has a fury look. Also seems to have thread like stuff with it around. Have been manually removin them. Since my sprayer was spoilt by my wife, need to get another so can use it to spray insecticide on these fellas. There is some road works for the MRT extension to Tuas and there is dust on the leaves. Read from somewhere it is not good for the plant but even if I clean it off, it will still get covered with dust, so I leave it alone, for now.

My granny aloe vera's branches seems to be geting weak (lower ones) and think 2 of them are going to die off. I do not intent to cut them unless they dried off. Other than that, it still looks ok.
Mommy aloe vera seems to have a good time as it seems that she is having another plantlet again. That makes 5 aloe vera plantlets on a single aloe vera. I am wondering where am I going to pot the plantlets.... : ( I really don't have much space already.
I have also found a fish tank and intent to use it as a stand or a pot. Will decided after I figure out whether it leaks or not.
Also have some intention to rearrange the plants at the stairs to allow more plants to be put there. Need to figure out how am I going to do that. Still cannot find a suitable hanging stand for my needs to put the pots (found one but to expensive and can only hold 2-3 small pots).
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