Updates on my plants ...
The flower plant that Ngee Hwee gave me is not growing well. The leaves now looked a little dry but my wife say cannot have too much water and sun. Just see how it goes. Also the flower seeds are not spouting so still waiting...
My granny aloe vera had substained some bruises during the transplanting to another pot. Also some of the branches are dying off so I decided to cut those injured ones off yesterday and leave the rest. It still does not seems to adapt well to its new pot yet so hopefully it would do soon.
My chilli padi plants are growing big and strong. Also quite a lot of flowers and hopefully chillis soon.
Just threw away a xue liu plant as it is not growing well and I suspect the soil is the problem but since I need to be selective on the ones that I want to keep, had to cut down the not so nice ones. So one more down, five more to go...
The ju zhi shu on the right is recovering now and also it has more flowers blossom compared to the one on the left. However, it has less newer leaves growing.
I had also transplanted the money plant to another longer pot last Sunday. I also threw away some of them as they are not so nice ones. However, they do not seem to be adapting well to the new environment. Just touched one leave today and it feels dry to touch. Maybe roots not taking water well. Will let them be and see how it goes.
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