Friday, March 10, 2006

Some new updates...

Went to IKEA and found that the price of the RICH soil mix is sold at 1.90 and the Flourish top soil is sold at 5L-$2.90 and 10L-$5.80. Cheaper by 10 cents from where I have bought but don't think worth the effort to carry all the way back home. Also don't need so many soil at the moment.

Later found that I need to buy more soil so I can replant the granny aloe vera so decided to go IKEA to buy 2 packs of soil. Instead buy 2 more clay pot ($3.90 each and is big) and somemore stuff not relevant here. Then I proceed to replant the granny aloe vera when I reach home. Now the granny aloe vera is happily planted in the new pot.

My 2 Jiu Zhi shu also got trimmed off ugly or unhealthy leaves by my wife and me. Even the one which looks quite full is now quite sparce. However, one of them is having a lot of new leaves growing while the other had little and many flower buds growing. One of them even had a flower that blossom today! : D

I have also replanted the Xue Liu with a aleo vera into a pot of its own. It looks bad with the new leaves curling until I decided to cut them off as well. Hope it grows better now. The aloe vera here also got a broken branch during the replanting. Looks like it is healing now.

The mommy aleo vera has another plantlet growing at the side! So that makes 3 plantlets now. Since I wanted to replant to the IKEA pot that I have bought for her but with the plantlets so small, will wait for them to grow bigger first before replanting all of them.

My chilli plants are having flower buds now but still small. Hope they grow and have little chilli padi soon.

I have also removed 2 pots of the unknown purple plant and threw them away but kept the last one just in case. Since I have no use for them and they creeps and grows easily. Will keep 1 and to reduce my pots.

I have also removed the dying unknown plant. Found out that its roots got hurt during the transplant so it it doom. So sad to see it go like this.

I have also found a small fern plant growing below the pot of mommy aloe vera. Yes, at the hole for water to escape. Will let it grow bigger before I transplant it over to a new pot. Hope it can live too.

Some plans that I have:
- Transplant mommy aleo vera to a new pot and her plantlets as well.
- Make a shelf for the plants?
- Make a pot holder to hang over the fence?


At 2:11 PM, Blogger Diki said...

Well, actually I was taking care of them and not much into it until recently got the green hand bug. : )Actually I not very good in networking.


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